I’ve Been Kinda Cooking…

I’ve been lost on what to do with my time in the evenings. Even though I have dreamt of having my time back for the past two years, I still feel lost. I’ve made sure to cook as many days as possible. Here is some food I cooked in February. I love mini bow tie … More I’ve Been Kinda Cooking…

Henrietta and Ava

I want to tell you about my girls, Henrietta and Ava. Henrietta is the plant I took from my boss. Actually, I took a pot with some dirt with a brown twig sticking out of it, from my boss. In my office is a small kitchenette with a sink, microwave, cabinets and dorm refrigerator. My … More Henrietta and Ava

eating vegan @ | Merchant’s Restaurant and Grill

December and January are the busiest times at my office. We are finalizing details, packing and traveling to our location. We spend at least 8 days in a different city for the conference. This year (2020) was San Diego, California. All of this means, in an office that celebrates EVERYTHING, we celebrate Christmas in February. … More eating vegan @ | Merchant’s Restaurant and Grill