In My Planner | Week One of Self-Isolation

I am finding that sticking to routines are the best thing for me. So working in my planner is very important.

Here is the first week of self-isolation in my planner. I have been using my Erin Condren as a memory planner. Not many memories, but I still love the layout.

Pink is my favorite color, so I added a lot this week.

Monday usually is my day off. So I decided to sleep in. Little did I know it would have been the best sleep of the week. Tuesday I got what groceries I could find and went into the office only to pick up my computer. Wednesday was our first team Zoom meeting and on a whim I decided to live on my YouTube Channel.

There is a Peyton for everything.

Thursday I had the best Facetime call with my friend. He made me laugh and it was wonderful. On Friday I deep cleaned my bathroom with my Pur-Home products for Instagram. I’m a brand ambassador and have to post a number of times each month. It was a great excuse to deep clean. Also on Friday I had company from out of town. Yes, in the middle of a pandemic, I had company. Saturday we watched Dolemite is my Name. It was so nice seeing Eddie Murphy and Wesley Snipes. Have you seen it? It’s an awesome movie. Sunday was the hardest day I’ve had in a long time. As I de-clutter my home, I am also de-cluttering my life. A lot of crying and a glass of wine.

KP is a beauty!

I am happy to have a memory planner again. It feels a lot more creative for me. Creative is what I need right now. The doll is from Goldmine and Coco. Her name is KP. She is on the PR team along with me and a few other beautiful women. She was the perfect addition for this weeks memory.

How perfect is this bow?

My rainbow bow from MzThiaBowtique was perfect.

How are you staying sane?


Tracy Deanne

If you choose to shop with Goldmine and Coco, you can use code TRACYSPLAN to save some money.

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